Relevant, Reliable Financial Information for Not-for-Profit Organizations and Registered Charities
Why Not-for-Profit Organizations?
Not-for-profit organizations embody the best spirit and values of our society. They help millions of individuals and families daily. They protect, feed, heal, shelter, educate, and nurture our bodies and spirits.
Stakeholders, including the general public, are taking a greater interest in the administration of organizations receiving donor dollars, tax benefits or government grants. As a Chartered Professional Accountant, I can help not-for-profit organizations with developing strong financial controls and the delivery of high-quality transparent financial reports.
I am an avid volunteer and I have a passion for supporting the financial stability of our not-for-profit sector. I do this by compiling clear, concise, reliable and relevant financial information to put not-for-profit leaders at ease when making financial decisions. I work with not-for-profit leaders to ensure proper financial controls are in place to prevent and detect any misuse and misappropriation of assets.
Not-for-profits are highly accountable to every person, organization and government who has invested time, money, and faith into the organization. They have different needs and priorities than traditional business. I make these specific needs and priorities my focus.